Akron Sail and Power Squadron (ASPS) is one of about 300 local squadrons that make up United States Power Squadrons (USPS). With 20,000 members, USPS is the largest, volunteer, non-governmental boating organization in the world.
Akron Sail and Power Squadron (ASPS) has nearly 200 members and is among the 15 largest squadrons in USPS. Our size allows us to offer more classes and activities to our members.
Akron Sail and Power Squadron
- For Membership Information, contact membership@akronpowersquadron.com
- For Information on Educational Program, contact education@akronpowersquadron.com
- For Information on Social Activities, contact admin@akronpowersquadron.com
- To request a vessel safety check, contact vsc@akronpowersquadron.com
- For other questions, contact commander@akronpowersquadron.com
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