Akron Power Squadron
Ideas for 75th Anniversary Celebration

Please look over these ideas - if you have some more, email me at bats_wings@sbcglobal.net by Wednesday, August 29 - Click on the "E-mail Me" link below

1Formal Banquet, Decent setting, invite National USPS officers, local politicians, ODNR, State news media coverage

2Big Picnic

3ODNR Recognize us with big Grant money

4Big Rendezvous Middle Bass Island

5Sports writers - find one interested in boating to do an article

6Diamond - symbol of 75th


8All District Boat Rodeo

9Special Shirt / Clothes

10Special pin / hat / etc

11Steak and Lobster at Steak Fry (Charter date is 9 May 1939)

12Special Events all Summer

13Raffle with dinner - diamond prize

14New banner "75 Years"

15Commercial cruise - cruise line

16Prize - Beach House, Nags Head

17Major News article (s)

18Book / pamplet on history of APS

19Wrap up for year - Pig roast / clam bake / etc

20DVD slides - old, historical APS photos

21Lake Cumberland Houseboat Trip

22Lease a tall ship for cruise /  outing

23Dinner dance cruise (like Nautica Queen)

25Bareboat Charter - Bahamas, Virgin Islands

26Special Burgee / flag (ie, USPS "100 Aniv" ensign)

27Proclamation of Mayor / Governor , Congressman, etc

28Lecture by big name speaker - sell tickets to cover cost

29Publish Calendar of "Anniversary events"

30Discount for Class registrations - free ABC class

31Donate vessel to Sea Scouts / etc

32Get big name star who is a boater (Billy Joel)

33KSU Planetarium - Navigation stars program

34Astronomy Observatory/club in Portage Lakes

35Treasure Hunt - monthly clues.  Big prize for overall winner

36involve Goodyear Blimp

37Blimp Ride prize

38Blimp cookies at each meeting  (or special refreshments)

3975th anniversary "drink"  (or dessert)

40Raffle neat prize to help "bank roll" the celebration

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